Employment Opportunity Detail

Evansville Promise Neighborhood Grant Accountant

Overview of Position

埃文斯维尔承诺社区(EPN)是英国威廉希尔中文网站之间的一项合作倡议, Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation, E-REP, The Dream Center, Ivy Tech Community College and more, 为EPN的儿童和家庭提供从摇篮到职业生涯的服务. The EPN consists of twelve census tracts and six schools. EPN合作伙伴将提供基于证据的服务,作为全面的从摇篮到职业服务管道的一部分. 助学金会计师将提供监督大学助学金从授予到关闭, to include federal, state, local, and private awards that support EPN programs and activities. 该职位确保补助金的使用符合政府规定, program and University regulations and requirements.

这个职位的员工需要运用高水平的组织能力, 沟通和批判性思维技能,以及在职责范围内做出决策的独立判断. 该职位向EPN主任报告,并向EVSC拨款经理咨询, Program Directors, administrators, and support staff in all areas of interpretation, performance, and fiscal responsibility as they relate to grants, as well as liaison to the grantor/agency officer as warranted.

Minimum Education:

  •  Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or related field, Master’s preferred.

Minimum Experience/Training:

  •  3-5 years of relevant experience, 包括从多个合作伙伴获取报告并将其汇编成一个有用的数据集的能力.
  •  具备同时管理多个项目和制定预算的能力,同时遵守所需的内部和外部政策和程序. 具有与不同团队(包括高级管理人员)合作的经验, staff, faculty, federal and state officials, and community stakeholders.
  •  经验和教育的同等结合也可以考虑.

Essential Functions:

  •  执行奖助金后的服务直至奖助金结束,同时对各种奖助金保持透彻的了解, agencies, and government guidance documents in compliance with federal, state and funding agency guidelines.
  •  向项目人员和管理员提供有关法规的相关信息, policies, and processes of both the grantor and the University. 为已授予的赠款制定全面的实施计划,以确保所承诺的活动得以实施并达到项目成果.
  •  为每一个新奖助金的计划总监分析并维护全面的资讯和指导手册,并促成一个奖助金启动会议. 安排、计划、促进和参加奖助金计划和行政会议. Participates in informative/directive webinars and conference calls.
  •  Collaborates and assists Program Directors, Administrators, 和其他工作人员一起确保赠款的法律和道德执行以及正在进行的赠款相关计划, financial and administrative functions.
  •  Coordinates and assists program staff to ensure the timeliness, content, and professional quality of hard copy, electronic and/or online grant reporting.
  •  协助监督资金的及时支出,并与拨款项目主管和行政人员解决差异和问题.
  •  在数据库操作系统中评估和执行必要的预算跟踪和采购查询. 为组织数据和预算跟踪建立电子表格. 维护预算和绩效跟踪工具,供拨款项目主管和员工使用.
  •  With approval from the EPN Director as time permits, support grant accounting, reporting, 随着新机会的出现,在办公室进行一般会计管理.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  •  Ability to clearly articulate the mission of the EPN
  •  Strong interpersonal, verbal and writing skills
  •  Knowledge of grant management policies and procedures, including budget, personnel management, and reporting as well as applicable local, state, and federal regulations
  •  Ability to manage multiple on-going projects at one time
  •  Ability to prepare forms and reports using standardized formats
  •  在专业领域有深入的功能知识和专业知识,并具有大学相关领域的一般知识
  •  能够在一般监督下进行复杂的行政分析
  •  Strong diagnostic, analytical and problem-solving skills
  •  优秀的协调和沟通技巧,用于支持大学各级个人和团体的决策
  •  能够计划和管理自己的工作流程,优先级和结果完成
  •  要求能够向不同层次展示和传播数据
  •  需要计算机系统和操作环境的高级知识.e., Microsoft Office Products and specialized computer systems
  •  能够与不同的员工和学生群体进行有效的互动和沟通

如欲申请此职位,请填写以下网上申请表格 http://0ncb.mylifeslittlesecrets.com/offices/hr/employmentApp.cfm.

英国威廉希尔中文网站希望其社区的所有成员以尊重和文明的态度对待彼此. 针对我们社区任何成员的骚扰行为都是不能容忍的. As part of its commitment to non-discrimination, 大学特别禁止基于其非歧视声明中列出的任何其他特征的骚扰,包括种族, color, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, creed or religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status and all federally protected groups/classes. 任何形式的骚扰都会破坏大学的使命,并对整个大学社区产生负面影响.

E is for Everyone logoThe University of Evansville participates in the E-Verify program.

如果你有兴趣来英国威廉希尔中文网站工作, 填写我们的在线申请,并查看下面的申请程序和福利信息. If you wish to apply for a position in dining services, please contact Chartwells. 如果你想申请客房部的职位,请联系WFF 812-488-2045.